Twin Flames and their role in our Ascension

To balance and harmonise myself when I am out of sorts I spend time in nature. It brings me back to my centre. I also have a psychic connection with nature, when needed trees communicate with me and I receive information relevant to my journey. Yep, I might lose some people here, but that’s ok, those are not the ones that are supposed to be reading this article. Earlier on this year I was going through a particularly rough time and a big beautiful tree at Blackburn Lake spoke to me and informed me that my husband and I are Twin Flames. Every tree I notice thereafter was a single tree that had split into two halves. Co-incidence? I had no idea what a Twin Flame was. I received that this was an important message and had a huge significance but I was yet to know why. Later that day I typed into trusty Google “Twin Flame” and realised that it is actually the other half of your soul. The two who are ONE coming together to create the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energy that is the pure creative force of our universe. So we are soul mates and I took it just as that.

A couple of months passed and my intuition kept calling me back to this knowledge, I chose to ignore it. Then I had an extremely challenging client case, it’s definitely not the subject for this discussion, but for the first time in my clinic I encountered a situation where I was unable to help my client, nor did I have anyone to refer her onto that could assist. I spent hours trying to find a practitioner over the next few days to help her. I received some guidance to work with my husband for this client case. As it happens we were able to do a remote session on this client and resolve this issue. The consciousness that we worked with instructed that I could not do this particular work on my own, neither could my husband but we had to do this work together. I was a bit confused and perplexed. Why on earth did I have to bring my husband into my work?! My ego reared its ugly head. It was Steve that asked “is it because we are a twin flame” – I received the answer… YES it was.

This puzzled me, what did it mean, what was I to understand and why were the pieces of this puzzle not falling into place… A couple of days later I had a client who happened to be an intuitive/psychic so I decided to share the Twin Flame knowledge with her and the bizarre notion that my husband and I had to do this particular work together. I must have remarked “why do I have to bring my husband into this”! She said something like “don’t you understand that your combined energy is so much more powerful than just your own”. This got me thinking and I decided to research this matter more. I found a document written by Angela Heart on the physics of Twin Flames. As I read this piece late at night in bed, my whole energetic field started vibrating, I had goosebumps from head to toe and I received the message that this is part of my life’s work. This document provided all the information I required. It even contained some information about the big bang that only two weeks prior, I had for the first time, intuitively felt that we ARE the big bang – that our essence/sprit is what separated from source and caused the big bang. We are it – it is us. It’s not a topic I discuss with people so maybe everyone thinks this, who knows… All I know is that all this information came beautifully together and I am to share it – for there are many other Twin Flames out there, this very knowledge is encoded in their DNA. The Twin Flame energy is required at this time for our ascension and expansion into our true divine nature for we have long been separated from it.

The following information has been taken from Angela Heart’s Twin Flame piece. I have taken bits and pieces out of it for the purpose of this article. If you would like to look at the full document you will be able to find it by Google search. Its title is “Twin Flame Physics Cracking the Code”

The Twin Flame relationship is the ultimate balancing of the two primal forces of creation; the divine feminine and the divine masculine energies. These are not genders, but rather forces or charges and are present in nature, the cosmos and every creation. These two energies, who are in fact one being (for one cannot exist without the other) have been historically been referred to as Twin Souls, Split-aparts, Divine Counterparts and Twin Flames to name a few.

All human beings long to be truly seen, known, embraced and loved; to be cherished for the truth beneath our stories, knowing deep inside that our stories are only ways in which we grow. Every single incarnate soul longs to join with his complementary energy – the other half of his heart. This longing is actually encoded within our DNA to ensure conscious reunion. As we return to a higher consciousness, all will understand that the union we seek is, absolutely and only, the merging of the balance of the Divine Feminie and Divine Masculine aspects of SELF. As twin Flames reunite they become one.

Twin Flames are the very heart cells of Source, as they became the vehicle through which Source expanded self. The first split (Source into Twin Flames) is referred to in the scientific literature as the Big Bang. In spiritual terms it is commonly referred to as the Ongoing Moment of Creation. In this holographic expansion of the Source, each cell created from this union now reflected perfectly these two divine principles; the two who are one – a pure hologram of Source, yet with unique individuality and just enough of a degree of separation to reflect Source perfection back to one another in complementary energy.

Twin Flames extended parts of themselves into lower, slower, more dense levels of consciousness whose vibratory frequency literally created a veil of forgetfulness while each came to understand how to assume his creatorship (i.e. we are made in the image and likeness of God) and individuality. The twin flame energy was split and split and split so we could garner intelligence and wisdom, tasting the tree of good and evil. In this experience of education where individualised ego was intended to assist soul growth and evolution, the density became so congealed, so slow that, for the most part, the soul lost conscious contact with the higher dimensional aspects of its multidimensional self and ego became the sole ruler of identity. In a world disconnected, belief in separation from source, our twin flame, one another and all life became the accepted mass consciousness. Survival became the ego’s playground.

Though things are changing and are about to change even more! The Divine has made the clarion call for the homecoming, for love is the true nature of our being. We are being awakened from the dream theatre of duality for the encoding within our DNA for unity consciousness has been activated. Yet assistance is required. During our evolution and coming to understand how thoughts and feelings create our reality and that we are responsible for our creations and how these creations affect the whole we have created countless destructive energy forms which need to be recycled back into their primary substance for re-use in a constructive fashion. We also need to shatter the belief in separation that was created out of ego. For me 2013 has shown me many patterns throughout my working with clients, it seems we as a collective are moving through this together. It has been interesting indeed to see.

According to Angela Heart (as a great deal of the aforementioned) Source is asking for the return in consciousness of Twin Flames. This is a special dispensation for they have never been allowed to join until such a time as each complementary half has risen to the pure vibration of love. Those beings called to this reunion will be of a certain level of consciousness and have agreed on some level to restore the cosmic DNA patterns – the original divine blueprints of the immaculate concept – and anchor it in this dimension. The birth of the real Twin Flame energies on Earth is the most important, most critical ingredient to the transformation of this world, for they are the leading edge of returning the Christ consciousness to the individual soul.

Angela’s document speaks of the physics of DNA and how our DNA is programmable. When even one being embodies a new consciousness or paradigm, they establish and anchor the pure pattern, this information is then transmitted to receptive DNA within their species. Think the 100th monkey phenomena. When 4.7% of the species connect critical mass is reached and the new trait or consciousness is transmitted. Twin Flames are the lock and the key that “together” open the way to humanity’s transformation and transcendence beyond the ego – hence when recycling particularly negative energies I have to work not by myself but in conjunction with my husband! By accessing our Twin Flame energy we are divine pure light that can lift the most stubborn of energies. By shattering the old energy forms that no longer serve the consciousness of mankind and literally recycle the energy back into its highest frequency.

Twin Flames are required now for several reasons;
1. To awaken humanity
2. To use conscious union to assist in transmuting the energy forms on this dimension within the agreed upon time frame
3. To return this Earth to its true reality of rich, verdant life and beauty, to abundance and ecstasy in perfect pattern and form

So instead of channelling Christ energy, the Twin Flame is the very Christ energy – the perfect electrons, pure, crystal clear. This is where you can change everything with a thought – a touch. When twin flames reunite on any level, they are eligible for direct delivery of light instead of having it transduced by the hierarchy of light. Conscious and deliberate twin flame manifestation happens instantaneously.

So this was the explanation I was desperately seeking. It all made so much sense and gave me piece of mind. This year in particular, I have worked with many unusual as well as difficult client cases, I often pondered why I was attracting so many like cases. What did it mean about me? Was it positive or negative? Was it because of my training? Was it my soul’s path? I now realise it is because my husband and I have the combined energy to help lift some of the more stubborn negative influences that impede our natural self-expression. This is the work we are here to do.

Our Earth and our Solar System is undergoing a major transformational process which is raising the vibrational consciousness of mankind. This year has been a really intense time for many. We are shedding our “stuff” so to speak and we don’t seem to have a choice in the matter, it’s happening regardless as to if you want to participate or not. With change comes fear and anxiety, this is where we need to navigate these times with love and trust in our hearts and surrender to the new cosmic flow of energy- knowing that as a collective we are working towards a brighter and better future. This is a time when we must release the old energies of our past and all our karmic baggage. Every soul is going through a period of cleansing and balancing of old karma for this shift to occur. We are required to work on mind, body and spirit. There is no one ultimate way, we must walk our own path and follow our own truth. December 2012 came and went without a fuss and I questioned its significance yet in my heart I know we are riding the winds of transformation. I see and work with it every day and it is only just the beginning. It is my souls calling to assist in this alchemical process both through my own healing work and the Twin Flame energy.

If this article strikes a chord in you energetic field, particularly when reading about the Twin Flame union, then it’s most likely that your DNA has been activated and this information is also relevant to YOU. Great times are ahead and you are needed in our ascension process.

I am only in the infancy of this work and do not know where it will take us. But I have unwavering faith and that allows me to go along with all the randomness. Recently I received a text message from a client two days after his session which is further validation for the work I am doing. Intuitively I picked up that his brother had a dark energy form with him, he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia some years earlier. This is the message I received from my client. “Hi my grandmother and mother just told me they’ve noticed positive changes in my brother. They say he seems to have a much better/calmer energy. And I didn’t tell them about our session. Hopefully this is the beginning of a turn around and healing for him. Thank-you”

This afternoon I worked on a beautiful 16 year old girl who tried to commit suicide last week. She has spent 4 years in psychotherapy and last week gave into the negative voices in her need and attempted to take her own life. In her session spirit directed me to some information in one of my books and I will quote it here. “To the people who consider these techniques as viable modalities in clinical practice and who use some variation of the approaches described in this manual, we salute you. You are the forerunners of a new order of mental health facilitators and spiritual healers. The personal experience of the client will no longer remain submerged due to the fear and disbelief of the traditional psychotherapist” I was so honoured and pleased to receive this information and validation for the work I do but also for my client (whose condition cannot be explained by more linear therapies) and has had to endure such an awful 4 years of her precious and have numerous therapists not believe her and assume her consciousness was the sole source of her distress in which it was not.

Everyday I am learning and client by client the pieces of the puzzle are being put together. It’s interesting how I have not advertised in any way shape of form this type of “energy” work yet so many of the clients I see require this specific form of healing. Again, a coincidence? I think not.

I’m on the ascension pathway and I am here to assist those who want to come. Just as with the many other light-workers out there doing wonderful, wonderful things. We are all in this together AND we will succeed in returning to our divine nature. For it is so.

In Divine Light, Love and Wisdom.